Tuesday, 1 February 2011


Monthly Ramble

One month into 2011 and we’ve managed to survive somehow thus far. 

There’ve been thrills, spills (mostly of my drinks), and, er, window sills.

January has included such highlights as You Me At Six, Fjords, The Walkmen and Walter Schreifels, and such lowlights as You Me At Six, Fjords, The Walkmen and Walter Schreifels. I jest of course, we’ve enjoyed every single gig so far. None of which we’d have been to if not for Gigaweek. 

You may use that point to argue that Gigaweek has been a negative influence, in that it has forced me and Sandro into going to gigs we wouldn’t normally have bothered with (or would actively avoid in one case), and as a result spend significantly more money and waste a significant amount of our own precious time.

If you agree with this argument unequivocally then you’ve missed the point of Gigaweek. Yes, there is a point to Gigaweek. If you agree equivocally then fine, as long as we both know it’s equivocal. If you disagree with this argument, and think you understand the purpose and merits of Gigaweek then well done, and thank you, but be careful, there may be something wrong with you.

It is true that Gigaweek is principally about enjoying ourselves, and making more of our free time by going to more gigs than we would otherwise, but more importantly, it is about opening our eyes, ears and most importantly our minds, as Kuato told Quaid in Total Recall

Yep, he was talking about Gigaweek.

If not for Gigaweek we would never have encountered YMAS and their legion of surprisingly devoted fans. That’s a positive isn’t it? Well, they put on a show, and we enjoyed it. Maybe we shed a few unwarranted preconceptions along the way too (we didn’t). In any case a poster of Josh Franceschi now adorns Sandro’s bedroom wall.

We may never have seen the glorious Trinity Centre or the inglorious West Street (or is that the other way round?), or had an early look at the future, ‘Biggest band in the World,’ Fjords, or the band that against all the odds will be trailing in their wake, Mona. Have you heard, they’re the new Kings of Leon? Apparently the old Kings of Leon are the new Fjords, who in turn are the new Los Campesinos! 

It’s all quite confusing to the easily confused.

If not for Gigaweek, I may also have never discovered the wonderful Walter Schreifels, or known never to tell P. Mushy my address, or indeed stumbled across the true nature of the misunderstood post-hardcore genre (screaming and faster riffs apparently).

Our influence and impact on the lives of others is also of the utmost importance and not to be underestimated. If not for Gigaweek, that youngster at the You Me At Six gig may never have found anyone brave enough to buy him his very first Bulmers. My heart swells with pride at the thought.

In addition to that young scallywag, who I’m sure would be eternally grateful to Gigaweek, if only he were old enough to use the Internet and find out about its existence, numerous taxi drivers have benefited wildly through its influence. Just imagine the fares they would have had, and the lack of frighteningly generous tips. Perhaps even more importantly, Walter Schreifels wouldn’t have had the privelege of shaking Sandro’s hand.

So it’s been a great month. One down, eleven to go. Sandro believes we have what it takes to complete the challenge, but there’s a long road ahead of us. A road choc-a-bloc with taxis, with brothels and sex shops on either side and pubs with drinking manuals on every corner, and a sprinkling of music venues here and there. I think we can do it. Do you?

The Updated Itinerary so far (because you were dying to know):


1-7 - You Me At Six -
8-14 - Fjords -
15-21 - The Walkmen -

22-28 - Walter Schreifels -


29-4 - The Joy Formidable
5-11 - Jonny
12-18 - NME Shockwaves Tour (Crystal Castles, Magnetic Man, Everything, Everything, The Vaccines)
19-25 - Les Savy Fav


26-4 - ?
5-11 - ?
12-18 - ?
19-25 - Elbow
26-1 - ?


2-8 - Fenech-Soler
9-15 - ?
16-22 - ?
23-29 - Beady Eye


30-6 - Camden Crawl
7-13 - ?
14-20 - ?
21-27 - ?
28-3 - ?


4-10 - ?
11-17 - ?
18-24 - Glastonbury
25-1 - Glastonbury


2-8 - ?
9-15 - ?
16-22 - ?
23-29 - ?


30-5 - ?
6-12 - ?
13-19 - ?
20-26 - ?
- ?


3-9 - ?
10-16 - ?
17-23 - ?
24-30 - ?


1-7 - ?
8-14 - ?
15-21 - ?
22-28 - ?


29-4 - ?
5-11 - ?
12-18 - ?
19-25 - ?
26-2 - ?


3-9 - ?
10-16 - ?
17-23 - ?
24-30 - ?
31 - ?

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